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Do You Have the "Guts" to Thrive

Your body is the mothership for bugs/bacteria and they negatively impact your health in powerful ways. Click here to read Dr. Mark Hyman's article. Dr. Hyman's #1 prescription, to combat gut bugs run amok, is to eat more fruits and vegetables everyday.
If you can't, don't or won't eat enough fruit and vegetable everyday, we encourage you to bridge the gap with "fruit and vegetable concentrates". Food concentrates are not a substitute. They supplement your daily produce consumption gap. To learn order and/or learn more about fruit and vegetable concentrates and the brand that stands as the most widely consumed, clinically researched and scientifically published, nutritional product in the world. Go to:


Pregnancy shapes the rest of life

To read the Sept. 2010 article in Time Magazine click on the image above. To learn more about how a daily "Fruit and vegetable concentrate" during pregnancy improves outcomes (i.e. more healthy babies) click here.


A healthy success story

One of the greatest gifts is the gift of health.
The Let’s Move Campaign; The Partnership for a Healthier America; The Alliance for a Healthier Generation; Action for Healthy Kids; The renamed President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition; My Pyramid; etc. etc... ALL these worthy organizations, their missions and their staff, want to get kids eating more “Fruits and Vegetables”. The public health problem is, we are failing (
click here) in this mission. If you believe more fruit and vegetable consumption, is an irrefutable cornerstone for creating healthier generations… read on.

Public health success via private solutions.
Enter our (private) health food company, whose unique, daily food concentrates are being used in a nutritional field study with over 500,000 participants. Participants report in (self efficacy data) four times a year. The ongoing study is a tried and proven way for parents to get their family eating better and realize these benefits and results below.

To see published clinical trials: click here
To learn more and/or participate in the study email Toni at


JP+ published clinical studies

1. Georgetown and UCLA - Overweight Adults

2. Austrian Cobras - Elite Athletes

3. Austrian Cobras - Elite Athletes

4. Vanderbilt - Coronary Artery and Hypertension

5. Tokyo - Antioxidants and Homocysteine

6. University of FL - Immune System and Antioxidants

7. UNC Greensboro - Athletes and Supplementation

8. Vienna, Austria - Antioxidants

9. Sydney, Australia - Antioxidants and Homocysteine

10. JACC - High Fat McDonald’s Meal

11. Italy – Homocysteine

12. London - Antioxidants

13. Brigham Young University - DNA damage

14. University of Arizona - Immune System

15. Current Therapeutic Research – Antioxidants

16. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research